The optimum pH range for combined degradation was in weak acidic. 弱酸性环境有利于降解反应的进行。
Isolation and Phylogenetic Analysis of a Methanogen with Wide Growth pH Range 一株生长pH较宽的产甲烷菌分离与系统发育分析
Determination of suitable pH range of the dye both for the dyeing of acrylic fibres with cationic dyes GB/T2403-1980阳离子染料染腈纶时染浴pH适应范围的测定方法
A New Method of Determination Optimum pH Range for Complexometric Titration of Multiple Metal Ions 一种确定混合金属离子滴定适宜酸度范围的新方法
At the same time, the pH range of neutral red and safranine T were obtained. 同时,测定了中性红和碱性藏红的pH变色范围。
The electrodes have the advantages of good stability, repeatability and wider pH range. 电极具有读数稳定,重复性好,可在pH值较宽范围内测定等优点;
But it has not wider pH range. 但其抑菌pH范围不够广。
We use variable-thermal IR spectrum, variable-thermal powder X-ray diffractogram and acid-base titration curve to approach the decomposition temperature of the coordination compounds and their pH range of stability in water solution. 利用变温IR光谱、变温X&射线粉末衍射图和酸碱滴定曲线,对配合物的分解温度以及在水溶液中稳定存在的pH值范围进行了初步探讨。
In the pH range of 1.8 to 11.6 iodoacetic acid gives a 'two-electron diffusion-controlled wave. 在pH1.8至11.6范围,碘乙酸有一个两电子的扩散控制波。
TRANSPORTATION OF CORROSIVE SUBSTANCE IN ORGANIC COATINGS Corrosion rate decreased with increasing pH within the investigated pH range. 腐蚀性介质在涂层中的传输行为随介质pH值升高,其腐蚀性减弱。
Over the studied pH range, three reduction waves of Dss were achieved. 在不同pH范围内得到了Dss的三个还原波。
This paper gives a new method to determine the F concentration in water solutions by means of the pH range of acidimeter. The method is simple, fast and decreases the errors. 本文给出一种用酸度计的pH档测定水溶液中F~-浓度的新方法,该法不仅简便、快速,而且减小了测量误差。
The bacterium could adapt to a broad pH range for PVA degradation. 该菌降解聚乙烯醇要求的pH范围较宽。
The direct influence of pH on the recovering of seed and transparent crystal growth is also analyzed and discussed. An optimum pH range for the AP growth solution has been found. 本文还就pH对籽晶恢复和透明生长的直接影响进行了分析讨论,寻找出AP大单晶生长溶液的最佳pH范围。
Adsorption ratio decreases with decreasing pH value at the experimental pH range, and it is still 82.38% when the pH value decreases to ( 3.19); 在实验pH值范围内,L-组氨酸的吸附率随pH值的减小而减小,当pH降至3.19时,吸附率仍达到82.38%;
The leaching toxicity of fly ash test block stays relatively stable in the pH range of 1 to 13. 预处理飞灰固化块有着较强的抵御环境变化能力,重金属浸出毒性在pH值1~13的范围内都比较稳定。
Through a field investigation and model experiment, the chemical conditions for Cr conversion into Cr(ⅲ) and the pH range for the precipitation of Cr ( OH)_3 in the Fe-Cr water system were studied. 通过调查及室内模拟实验,研究了水体Fe(Ⅱ)&Cr(Ⅵ)系统中,铬的形态转化条件和Cr(OH)3沉淀的pH范围。
The Zeta potential is negative over a wide pH range. 在一个较宽的pH范围内,三种矿物矿浆的Zeta电位均为负值,表明矿粒表面荷负电。
Electrochemical studies confirmed the formation of PANI-PAA composite which exhibited excellent electroactivity over a wide pH range. The electro-oxidation of ascorbic acid ( AA) was studied in detail. The modified electrode exhibits significantly reduced oxidation overpotential. 用电化学方法证明生成了在宽pH值范围内具有优良电化学活性的PANI-PAA复合材料,并详细研究了该修饰电极对抗坏血酸(AA)的电催化作用,它能显著降低AA的氧化电位。
The wetting investigation showed that the superhydrophobic property could maintain in a wide pH range, but ethanol and acetone could wet the polystyrene surface. 润湿性研究表明该薄膜在较广泛pH值范围内都保持了较高的疏水性,乙醇和丙酮可润湿该表面。
The enzyme was stable at the pH range of 7.0-10.0. pH稳定范围为7.0-10.0。
The solubility, emulsifying and foaming of protein in acidic conditions was poor, while was good in the alkaline condition. Comparatively, in the pH range of experiment, the solubility of alkali-soluble protein was better than the acid-soluble proteins. 在酸性条件下蛋白的溶解性、乳化性和发泡性较差,而碱性条件下性质较好,且在实验范围内碱溶蛋白比酸溶蛋白的溶解性要好。